Monday, February 14, 2011

Test Scene #1

Still photo from our first test scene shoot at Radar Hill in Athens, Ohio. The crew used the test scene to begin working out various technical issues that may arise while shooting the film in the spring. Night shoots are infamously more difficult yet the ACTF crew worked great together and encountered very few problems. It was exciting to roll some tape and start visualizing the film.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Shootout 2011 Behind The Scene Stills

Keep updated on A Campaign That Failed photos at our Flickr account:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Campaign That Failed Poster

This is the poster for the Ohio University MDIA 419 movie "A Campaign That Failed", directed by Benjamin Rood, written by Dan Ray. This movie shall not depict a Civil War; it will depict a Civilian War.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Location Photographs

These photographs were taken by Kyle Stoner while scouting locations for A Campaign That Failed, an Ohio University MDIA 419 project.

 Dan McDonough

 Hilary Petrokubi

 Ben Rood

 Matt Mantyla and Ben Rood

 Matt Mantyla and Ben Rood

 Ben Rood

 Matt Mantyla

 Ben Rood

Ben Rood